Tag Archive | Fact Check

If you like your plan – too bad

I post this for the low information voters out there. Please remember this during the midterms. I realize that requires almost a year of concentration but the price of your ignorance is high…


And for those of you who are arguing the President is being taken out of context – Click the link to the White House Website.  As of right now it says:

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices.

For those Americans who already have health insurance, the only changes you will see under the law are new benefits, better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar you spend on health care. If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law.

For the uninsured or those who don’t get their coverage through work, a key component of the Affordable Care Act will take effect on October 1, when the new Health Insurance Marketplace open for business, allowing millions of Americans to comparison shop for a variety of quality, affordable plans that best meet their health care needs.



Radicals (Obama/Pelosi/Reid) want to control you and your wealth

What is the current budget battle and obamacare debate really about?

There are two ways to become richer.

One is to provide more goods and services;  that’s economic growth.

The other is to snatch someone else’s wealth or income;  that’s the spoils society. In a spoils society, economic success increasingly  depends on who wins countless distributional contests: not who creates wealth  but who controls it. But this can be contentious. Winners celebrate; losers  fume.

It de-emphasizes production and fuels conflict…

Most Americans seem indifferent as to how they get ahead, whether by wealth  creation or redistribution. The choice seems abstract. Fair enough. But for the  country, the choice matters enormously. The appeal of the affluent society was  that one group’s gains didn’t have to come at the expense of others’. The  promise of economic growth was oversold, but it had the healthy effect of  encouraging an expansive and inclusive vision of America.

What’s emerging today is more self-interested and self-destructive. The  dilemma of a rich society is that its prospects can be undermined by its very  abundance. Countries preoccupied by distributional wars are distracted from  production. The ambitions of many of its most talented members can be satisfied  not by adding to the total output but simply by subtracting from someone else’s.  They are merely rearranging economic assets among themselves. If taken too far,  this promises more political division and economic  decline.

Read more: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2013/09/30/here_comes_the_spoils_society_120145.html#ixzz2gTWH3SyV Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter

In the end, that is what Obamacare is all about.  It is about controlling wealth.  It is also what the budget battle is about.  Once again we are on Democrat talking points instead of the real issues.  Why do we even need a continuing resolution?  Because the senate democrats refuse to produce a budget.  They refuse to allow the american people to see where and how their money is being spent.  They have run up $6T in debt with no accountability and denied the people due process.  The ONLY way the people are even aware of this criminal activity is because we stand up to them when given a chance.  During CR and Debt ceiling negotiations.  It is the only check and balance left in place.

The President calls this unprecedented.

He is right.  No President has ever displayed such a complete lack of respect for the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States.



How Radical is Our President?

Just so I am clear. He asks Congress to go to war supporting terrorists against and even badder guy. Then, decides it would be better to negotiate with Russia and said really bad guy versus go to war.

Then, he ‘pivots’ back to the economy.

He calls conservatives concerned with our ever massing debt problem and the abomination known as Obamacare hostage takers and refuses to negotiate.

So, real terrorists he will negotiate with.   Real terrorists invade our embassy and kill our Ambassador and he does’nt respond.  BUT, Americans concerned with our fiscal health and personal liberties offer a clean debt celiing lift and to fully fund government except for the law he himself is delaying most of – those he calls terrorists and won’t negotiate.

This man is dangerous. He can’t be trusted. He shouldn’t be trusted.

Our Radical, Imperial President

George Will nails it. Link to the full article.


“In a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. . . . It looks like there may be some better ways to do this, let’s make a technical change to the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do. But we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to Obamacare. We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so.”

Serving as props in the scripted charade of White House news conferences, journalists did not ask the pertinent question: “Where does the Constitution confer upon presidents the ‘executive authority’ to ignore the separation of powers by revising laws?” The question could have elicited an Obama rarity: brevity. Because there is no such authority.

Obama’s explanation began with an irrelevancy. He consulted with businesses before disregarding his constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” That duty does not lapse when a president decides Washington’s “political environment” is not “normal.”

When was it “normal”? The 1850s? The 1950s? Washington has been the nation’s capital for 213 years; Obama has been here less than nine. Even if he understood “normal” political environments here, the Constitution is not suspended when a president decides the “environment” is abnormal.

Neither does the Constitution confer on presidents the power to rewrite laws if they decide the change is a “tweak” not involving the law’s “essence.”

Obama Grants Obamacare waiver to the people who wrote the law – Congress

So, it yet another illegal move, Obama magically makes the burden of Obamacare disappear – for the Congressional staffers that wrote the damn law. This is as large of an insult as possible to the American people.


Obama Loves Big Government – Doesn’t Understand the Economy

He is an idiot, a radical and sadly our President.

First there was this gem:

In Chattanooga on Tuesday, the latest stop on his economic inequality tour, President Obama made himself an offer he couldn’t refuse. If Congressional Republicans agree to a corporate tax increase, he said, then he’ll agree to spend more money on his favorite public-works projects. If Republicans bargain hard, will he also offer an expansion of ObamaCare as a sweetener?

We know this sounds like an exaggeration, but that’s the essence of what the President proposed as what he called a new “grand bargain.” Mr. Obama will agree to reform the corporate tax code—a GOP priority and one even the President claims to support—but only if the reform raises more revenue and only if he is allowed to spend that windfall on his priorities.

This isn’t a serious offer. In fact, during his ‘speach’ he demonized anyone who would dare oppose such generous offer. This offer was nothing more than a populist soundbite for the uneducated voter. At the same time, he was flipping off the GOP. Then, there was this one:

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the U.S. economy would be “much better off” if federal, state, and local governments hired more workers.

As cities like Chicago face budget crises from unfunded pensions for retiring public workers and cities as large as Detroit have declared bankruptcy, Obama suggested these governments should spend more taxpayer money to improve the national unemployment rate

Well, additional union jobs might help Democrats get elected, but taking more money from the Private sector and dumping it into bloated union salaries and pension plans won’t help the economy. It hurts the economy.

Britt Hume said it right the other day – Obama would rather have us all equally poor versus us all unequally rich. That’s not entirely true. He and the ruling class would remain above the fray while we eat cake.

Big Brother – Do you trust the government with that much information about you?

As  former NSA employee Thomas Drake told Herridge, “[t]he only way you can have  perfect security is have a perfect surveillance state. That’s George Orwell.  That’s 1984. That’s what that would look like.”

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/06/big_governments_data_plan.html#ixzz2VXToZkVj

Wow, just wow.  IRS.  Wiretaps. Phone records.  eMail, web visits, Facebook and more.  Apparently, the Governments PRISM system is watching this blog as I write it.  I could have saved the tax payers a lot of money if Obama and Holder had only clicked the “follow” button on the bottom of the page.  In any case – I welcome the readers from the government to the blog.  You might learn a few things if you sift through the archives.

A couple of things – the Patriot act was first passed and abused under George W Bush.  It has been perverted to science fiction standards under Obama.  For those of you who feel you have nothing to hide – I disagree because it is the government, more specifically, the party in power that is determining what they care about.  They decide what they want to know, irrespective of what you have to hide.  It doesn’t have to be illegal.  Turns out, we didn’t monitor the Boston bombers despite them being on watch lists and getting multiple warnings from Russia.  Nope, the IRS was monitoring the Tea Party.   Why does the government need to proactively monitor their own citizenry.  Forget what I have to hide.  What RIGHT do they have to know.  Is this the United States of America or a former Soviet police state?

 we can  now begin to understand why that same agency is in need of the massive new data  center in Utah… capable of amassing, housing, and analyzing five zettabytes of data.  (For  context, according to Wikipedia, as of 2009, the  entire World Wide Web was estimated to contain a half of one  zettabyte.)  According  to Herridge, many questions about NSA’s new center have gone unanswered as  “classified” and “secret.”  She wrote:

Fellow  NSA whistleblower Bill Binney, who worked at the NSA for nearly four decades,  says it’s about the possibility that the government’s stunning new capacity to  collect, store and analyze data could be abused. “It’s really a — turnkey  situation, where it could be turned quickly and become a totalitarian state  pretty quickly,” he said. “The capacities to do that is being set up. Now it’s a  question of if we get the wrong person in office, or if certain people set up  their network internally in government, they could make that happen  quickly.”

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/06/big_governments_data_plan.html#ixzz2VXTwUtkt

We are beyond politics at this point.  Way beyond.  I get wound up about things like Obamacare and Benghazi and the national debt.  Those concern me.  The Government intimidating the press, monitoring and targeting private citizens tears at the fabric of our country and personal freedoms.  That terrifies me.  Enough is enough.   The power of this information could be abused far too easily.

A correspondent to Breitbart News writes in frustration: “The FBI and NSA were reading [Nidal] Hassan’s emails to [Anwar] Al Awlaki and monitoring his phone calls and didn’t think he was a threat at Ft. Hood. The FBI was also monitoring the phone calls of the Times Square bomber and didn’t do anything. So much for the value of phone call and email monitoring. Check the old news clips on these stories. It’s all there.”

The problem is that President Obama does not want to believe that radical Islam is at war with us. He told the nation last month that “this war, like all wars, must end,” promising to repeal–not refine–the 2001 Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Al Qaeda. And yet he has increased the federal government’s snooping–dramatically. What use is that information, if it will not be used against terror?

And then comes a reminder of which information the government has been most interested in: information about Tea Party and conservative groups, information about individual activists in the conservative movement, information about the prayers of pro-life groups–information, in other words, about its political opponents, who have been treated since the beginning of the Obama administration like the real national enemy.

Kimberly Strassel observes of the IRS scandal–which now seems almost quaint in the context of Verizon and Prism–that President Obama set the tone from the beginning with vicious rhetorical attacks on conservative non-profit groups and their donors, calling them “a threat to our democracy.” Meanwhile, the Obama administration missed real threats–blind to the danger its own behavior poses to our democratic republic.




The NEW YORK TIMES IS REPORTING:  Obama Administration Knew of IRS Scandal 5 Months Before Election



In no uncertain terms and with no hedging, The New York Times reports that the Obama Administration was aware of the fact that the IRS was targeting Tea Party groups as far back as June of 2012. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General confirmed that he told senior Treasury officials in June of 2012, a full five months before Election Day:

The Treasury Department’s inspector general told senior Treasury officials in June 2012 he was investigating the Internal Revenue Service’s screening of politically active organizations seeking tax exemptions, disclosing for the first time on Friday that Obama administration officials were aware of the matter during the presidential campaign year.


Obama – Community Organizing Thug

Nothing that has transpired in the past two weeks is new.  Obama has always been a bully and a thug.  Repose from Redstate.  Full article at:  http://www.redstate.com/2013/05/15/will-no-one-rid-me-of-this-turbulent-group/.  Emphasis mine:  Begin:

During Campaign 2008, Barack Obama famously told Democrats to take guns to knife fights.

He told a crowd of supporters to “argue with neighbors; get in their face.”  By the way, watch the full clip to hear Barack Obama say he will lower taxes and support the second amendment.

In 2009, the White House created an email address flag@whitehouse.gov and encouraged people to report their neighbors who might disagree with Obamacare.  The DNC admitted the White House was engaged in collecting information on people.

During August recesses in 2009, the Obama Adminstration told Democrats in Congress to “punch back twice as hard” at Republicans.

In 2011, the Obama White House set up a ridiculous website called Attack Watch to document and expose those hostile to them.

As I wrote in 2009, the Obama team brought back the politics of personal destruction.  I noted then a Politico story that reported

The vast new left-wing conspiracy sets its tone every morning at 8:45 a.m., when officials from more than 20 labor, environmental and other Democratic-leaning groups dial into a private conference call hosted by two left-leaning Washington organizations.

In 2012, the White House directly coordinated with outside groups to influence the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision.  About the time these meetings with “dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations” were happening in the White House, tea party groups were suddenly getting inquiries from the IRS, bogging them down and distracting them from the fight at hand.

President Obama did not have to tell the IRS specifically to harass conservative, evangelical, and Jewish groups who might oppose him.  His rhetoric on the campaign trail and in the permanent campaign of the White House operations made clear what he wanted.  IRS agents not only harassed conservative groups, evangelical groups, and Jewish groups, but also leaked their confidential tax information to left-leaning groups.  The National Organization for Marriage and other groups had their donor lists leaked subjecting those donors to harassment.  A Romney donor was harassed by the IRS More than one person has emailed me to say that after they reported themselves to flag@whitehouse.gov they were audited by the IRS — in one case audited several times about just one tax year.

Obama went on the campaign trail in 2010 and told supporters to “punish our enemies.”  The IRS did just that.  The need for specificity or explicitness was unnecessary, just like in 1170.

Democrats Budget Ignores Debt – Increases Spending by 60% and Adds $1.5T in New Taxes

The budget released by Senate Democrats yesterday is a total joke.  $1.5T in new taxes and an increase in spending of 60% over the planning horizon.  It makes no attempt to balance the budget.  Yet they are running around talking about how much the “reduced the deficit’.  Huh?  Oh, you mean accounting tricks and reducing the rate of the money you want to steal from our children.  During the first debate, Romney challenged Obama.  He told Obama it was clear where Obama’s priorities laid, investing Billions in failed green energy instead of in schools or civic work.  Here is a better measure.  How committed to the welfare state are the Democrats?  How much of your life do they need to control to retain their power?  How much of your money to they feel entitled to?   

Right now, we’re spending more money to pay interest on debt than we’ll spend on education, homeland security, transportation and veterans’ benefits combined this year. Surely, there’s something better to spend that money on. And those interest payments are a significant tax on Americans — a debt tax that Washington doesn’t want to talk about. And just wait until interest rates rise, because at some point they will.


The best part – that last paragraph comes from non other than BARRY OBAMA!!!

Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the Federal Government will spend $220 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we’ll spend on Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation, and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated gulf coast in a way that honors the best of America.

Senate Floor, March 16, 2006 – Senator Obama

I have more to say, but I will let the President have the last word here today:

Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘‘the buck stops here.’’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit
