Tag Archive | gun control

Obama Fail!

It will be interesting to see how this epic fail will effect this administration.  I think very little.  I posted years ago that Obama behaves like a child.  After watching his presser yesterday how can anyone disagree.


You know what it comes down to, Barry-0? People don’t trust you. Simple as that. Oh … certainly you do have your supporters. It’s not that NOBODY trusts you …. just most productive Americans above the median IQ. [B]The moochers, leaches and parasites still trust you … they trust you to keep forking over the government checks. When the checks stop coming … when they find that a change of regimes in Washington will necessitate their actually becoming marginally productive again … their fealty to their long-gone hero, the great and powerful Obama, will fade to resentment and scorn.[/B]

Your gun control ploy failed, didn’t it? And didn’t you look like the petulant little boy at that presser yesterday afternoon. Even one of your greatest protectors, The Washington Post, said that there was not one portion of this bill; not one clause; not one section; that would have prevented the shootings in Newtown. No matter. Most people don’t read the Washington Post, and whoever wrote that blasphemy was going to be ignored by the rest of the media sycophants who hang on their Dear Ruler’s every word. You are, after all, sort of a God, right? That’s what Newsweek said

After all, no background checks would be required on sales to friends and relatives. But it failed. And why? [B]Because the people didn’t trust YOU, Barry. You’re a fraud, and more and more people learn that every day.[/B] Informed Americans knew that if the background check bill became law it would be YOU – and the people appointed and hired by you – who would draw up the rules and regulations to enforce the new law. They’ve seen what you’ve done with regulations relating to 0bamaCare, and they’re not pleased.

So … what’s next on your agenda, Dear Ruler? Are you going to go back to your more common wealth envy and class warfare games? Perhaps you can make the big push for expanding our tax structure so that wealth, not just income, can be seized. After all — you magnanimously proclaimed a few weeks ago that nobody needs more that $205,000 a year to retire on. [B]Now there’s a novel concept … the leader of a “free” nation telling his subjects what they need and what they don’t need for their retirement years. [/B]Maybe you can get a wealth tax so that you can seize unneeded retirement funds from these evil rich people and give that money to your followers to supplement their Social Security in retirement! [B]Following that you can further expand your pronouncements on how much of their earnings and wealth the people of America need and don’t need …. And work on your fundamental transformation in that arena for a while.[/B]

Unleash the Fury – The real issues behind the debt ceiling, fiscal cliff, Obamacare and gun control debate – LIBERTY

Mark Levin has been on point from day one.  The issue of the day is secondary.  The primary issue, the primary attack from the left has been on your personal liberty.  It amazes me how often the Democrats compare Conservatives to Nazi’s. They are doing it again over the gun control debate.   It’s disgusting, 100% inaccurate and ironically has more in common with their own agenda.  The Nazi’s were not Constitutionalists.  Nope, State run, state controlled oppression.  Someone else is to blame for you troubles.  It’s not your fault.  Once we get them, everything else will be fine.  Tanks didn’t bring the Nazi’s to power in Austria and Germany.  Nope, the Germanic people voted away their freedoms and voted in tyranny and oppression.  Tyrants throughout history have used real or manufactured crises to advance their agenda.  They use fear to trick people into giving up their basic freedoms.  I am not comparing any of our current leaders to Hitler – I am telling you History is ripe with examples of leaders amassing dangerous powers in the name of the ‘common good’.  Wake up.

Today’s rant from Mr. Levin is over the hypocrisy of the left and unconstitutional, illegal actions they are considering.  The same arguments applied over Obamacare, the fiscal cliff and will again for the debt ceiling fight.

MARK LEVIN: You know folks, I’ll be honest with you. I just told a friend of mine — even though I sit behind this microphone and I try to be civil and so forth — I can barely contain my fury about what’s going on in this country. I’m just being honest with you. I can barely contain it. I’m so frustrated by this tyranny, you have no idea. Now we can analyze it, we can intellectualize it, we can parse it and so forth and try to unravel it. But I’m just telling you, from an emotional point of view, it is just so damned infuriating to see the greatest country on the face of the earth run by a bunch of lilliputians, who are constantly attacking it from within.

No discussion on the news programs about an imperial president exercising an authority he does not have under our constitution. Nothing. No discussion about all the lives saved and all the people protected as a result of the Second Amendment. Nothing. They continue to perpetuate the lie, the big lie that somehow, some new regulation, some new government fiat would have prevented what happened in Newtown, Connecticut. And then they pretend that they’re for law enforcement. They pretend that they’re hard on crime when they’re not.

We have evidence over one decade after another of how the very same people pushing for gun control against law-abiding American citizens support radical left-wing judges who are soft on criminals, support weakened sentencing rules, decriminalizing this and that. Since when was Obama strong on fighting crime? Since when has Obama supported law enforcement? But here he is, you know, ‘we have to stop gun violence.’ No, we have to stop violent criminals.


From the Archives:


What President Obama has been pushing for, and moving toward, is more insidious: government control of the economy, while leaving ownership in private hands. That way, politicians get to call the shots but, when their bright ideas lead to disaster, they can always blame those who own businesses in the private sector…

The left’s vision is not only a vision of the world, but also a vision of themselves, as superior beings pursuing superior ends. In the United States, however, this vision conflicts with a Constitution that begins, “We the People…”

Only our own awareness of the huge stakes involved can save us from the rampaging presumptions of our betters, whether they are called socialists or fascists. So long as we buy their heady rhetoric, we are selling our birthright of freedom

Full article can be found here:  http://www.humanevents.com/2012/06/12/thomas-sowell-socialist-or-fascist/