Balanced Approach? The only thing Obama wants to balance is income via redistribution of wealth programs

Obamacare.  Minimum wage increases.  Tax increases.  Loopholes.  Head start programs.  No matter how he disguises it, the goal is the same.  Wealth Redistribution. 

It is like nails on a chalk board every time he says the words “Balanced” or “Fairness”.   He couldn’t care less about either.  No, his Marxist agenda is very transparent.  Income equality – well almost.  In any Marxist society there needs to be a ruling elite that lives above the masses and has access to the perks of the gentry. 

So instead of actually balancing out recent tax increases with spending cuts, Obama seeks more tax increases.  Here is the best part: Guess whose salary is protected from sequester cuts.  Ding, Ding, Ding, that’s right OBAMA’s!!!  All of this shared sacrifice really is just you sharing the sacrifice.  He is off to another tax payer funded vacation. 

This chart is blindingly clear.  Spending continues to rise.  Taxes continue to rise.   Deficits continue to rise.  Our Debt continues to rise.  Period.


From 2009 to 2012, revenues increased by more than 17 percent. Nor were these increased revenues due to “higher tax rates,” as the president claims, but to lower tax rates: This revenue growth occurred during the era of the much-maligned Bush tax cuts.

If this 17 percent revenue growth had been matched in a “balanced mix” including “spending cuts,” as Obama claims, spending during this period would have decreased by roughly 17 percent as well. Instead, spending increased nearly 8 percent. Far from “spending cuts,” as the president claims, this was a spending increase.

If there had actually been a “balanced mix” in which the increased revenues were matched by “spending cuts” (rather than a spending hike), as Obama claims, the deficit would have been reduced by more than 30 percent – 10 times the actual decrease.

What has gone up faster?  Your Income or Your Income Taxes?

Has your budget gone up 17% since 2009? 

Who is in a better position to cut 2% from their budget – You or the Government?

Wake up before it is too late.  Look to Europe.  A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on Paul’s vote.  When Paul exceeds 50% – you can never vote to stop paying Paul.  The problem, Peter runs out of money and you have riots in Greece and Italy.  This isn’t a theory.  It is cold hard economic fact. 


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One response to “Balanced Approach? The only thing Obama wants to balance is income via redistribution of wealth programs”

  1. Jan says :

    Think about it – what is your biggest expense? I always assumed it was our mortgage. Starting last month, January 2013, I began tracking our family’s contributions to the government. Not just payroll taxes, but every single nickel-and-dime tax. I’m sure I’m not catching all the hidden fees, buried in the cost of goods. In January, our tax expense was 192% higher than our mortgage. The first 7 working days of the month were dedicated not to shelter & food, but to giving the government our hard-earned money. Yet the government is crying that they don’t have enough money. As this gets worse, we will be working for The Company Store, slaves to the USA.

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